Every time I sit down to create a red carpet best and worst post I can't help but realize that my decision is heavily swayed by how I feel about that particular actress... It's easier for me to accept an actress I like in a bad dress than an actress I hate in a good one... I'm extremely biased. I admit it. Sooo I'm gonna break it down a little different this time...
People I love in dresses I love...

Cameron Diaz has always been one of my favorites. She's adorable. and if Rachel Zoe is still working her magic with her she's done it again! Loves!
Love Maggie... perhaps it's cause she went to my high school (although sadly her and her brother graduated before I got there) But anyway I think she looked so great!
such a cutie. haven't seen an education yet but I love her style...
Okay... I know I'm gonna get flack for this but I LOVE MILEY. She's adorable, hilarious and has catchy songs... and I think this dress is AMAZING!!! my mom hates it and thinks it looks awful on her but I really really liked it... maybe because I would steal candy from children to get to wear it myself...
does this even need a caption. I adore Nicole Richie and Joel Madden... and I think they look SOOO COOL and incredibly classic on the red carpet... not sure why they are there but I'm glad they were.
Rachel McAdams is adorable. So is the dress. Very romantic...
Diane Kruger is perfect. Enough said.
and just because Ryan Reynolds is oh so pretty...
People I love in outfits I'm not so sure about...
Love love love the top half... not 100% along for the ride on the bottom half.. but really close...
adore the dress. adore her. not loving them together.
Def one of my favorite actresses sooooo excited to see her at the Oscars. I think she looks stunning and so is the dress buuuuuut she looks a little too much like the Oscar statue...
I think she's so so cute and the dress is very romantic but she's a little to monochromatic overall...
People I love in outfits I don't like...
Way way too much...
People I hate in dresses I love...
I hate Demi because she's old and is married to one of the cutest boys on the planet.. Ashton what were you thinking?! BUT she's got Rachel Zoe's touch on her side so I can't hate her too much and she looks amazing in this dress.
I hate her. I hate Twilight. She always looks miserable. I don't get the hype. But she did actually look good tonight so I gotta give her props...
I have to admit I get great pleasure out of this last categorary... does that make me a bad person?
People I hate in dresses I hate...

I am sooooo not an SJP fan. I really dislike her. Her movies. Her TV shows. I know I know a fashion fan that dislikes Sex and The City. Sorry... I just can't get passed her... and I hate having anything bad to say about a Chanel but will not hesitate so say something bad about her. don't like this look. no no no.

Hahaha oy Mariah... why on earth were you there?! What made you chose this aweful dress?! Someone help buy this girl a clue.
And that's a wrap for this year! And now I'm going to continue watching the big show! Hope your favorites win! (Ps I think Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are doing a GREAT job!)
POST OSCAR EDIT: oh my god oh my god! I'm so so so so happy Sandra Bullock won!!! I ADORE HER ahhhh soooo exciting! And Avatar didn't win best picture yes!!! perfect night!